
Showing posts from November, 2024

Module Database

 Link to Module Database Lab 4 Lab 5 lab6

Screen Share Software Java

 server version 1(send screen) server version 2 (websocket) Client (receive strem for server version 1) Lab Client App

query insert data

 INSERT INTO customer (custcode, custname, custaddr, postcode, city, state, hpno, email) VALUES  ('C001', 'John Doe', '123 Elm Street', 12345, 'Springfield', 'Illinois', '555-1234',  ''),  ('C002', 'Jane Smith', '456 Maple Avenue', 67890, 'Riverside', 'California', '555-5678',  ''),  ('C003', 'Emily Johnson', '789 Oak Drive', 11223, 'Brooklyn', 'New York', '555-9012',  '');  INSERT INTO item (itemcode, itemdesc, itemunit, sellingprice) VALUES  ('I001', 'Widget A', 'Piece', 19.99),  ('I002', 'Gadget B', 'Pack', 29.99),  ('I003', 'Tool C', 'Set', 39.99);  INSERT INTO salesman (salesmanid, salesmanname) VALUES  ('S001', 'Michael Brown'),  ('S002', 'Sarah Taylor'...

Late Submission Lab Web Interface and Design 2024

Kepada yang tidak sempat menghantar lab report dan aktiviti mengikut tarikh yang ditetapkan sila hantar lab report dan aktiviti pada link di bawah: * Untuk Subjek Pengaturcaraan Antaramuka Berasaskan Web kelas dr Ily sahaja

Mysql On Update Cascade

  In MySQL, the ON  UPDATE CASCADE  option in foreign key constraints indicates that anytime an update is made to a row in the parent table, matching rows in child tables are correspondingly updated. This  feature provides   assurance  for referential integrity and consistency of related data in a  related set of tables  without having to manage it manually. Knowing when and how to use ON  UPDATE CASCADE  is important in managing table relationships effectively and facilitating data maintenance. What is ON UPDATE CASCADE? The  ON UPDATE CASCADE  is an option that makes up a definition for a  foreign key  constraint in  MySQL . If a value in the parent table column of the  primary key   is updated, it ensures that the matching value is changed in the  foreign key  column in the  child  table. This may be done through  cascading updates , to keep relationships between related tabl...